-separete -combine error
Posted: 2010-02-15T14:46:00-07:00
I put this:
convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel C -separate imgx_C.gif
convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel Y -separate imgx_Y.gif
convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel M -separate imgx_M.gif
convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel K -separate imgx_K.gif
I have one error, K channel is mirror image from original image, I solved with : convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -flip -rotate 180 -channel K -separate imgx_K.gif
if I want combine image again with:
convert imgx_C.gif imgx_Y.gif imgx_M.gif imgx_K2.gif -channel cmyk -combine final.gif
I have wrong image with strange color.
Can anynody help me?
convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel C -separate imgx_C.gif
convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel Y -separate imgx_Y.gif
convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel M -separate imgx_M.gif
convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -channel K -separate imgx_K.gif
I have one error, K channel is mirror image from original image, I solved with : convert img.jpg -colorspace CMYK -flip -rotate 180 -channel K -separate imgx_K.gif
if I want combine image again with:
convert imgx_C.gif imgx_Y.gif imgx_M.gif imgx_K2.gif -channel cmyk -combine final.gif
I have wrong image with strange color.
Can anynody help me?