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convert to stdout, and piping it to Python/PIL

Posted: 2010-02-16T04:21:11-07:00
by ikonamagick
Hello :-)
I am using imagamagick to convert a file and write it to standard out

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convert inimg.bmp jpeg:-
Then I would like to pipe it to a Python (2.6) program that usues the popular Python Imaging Library (PIL), like:

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convert inimg.bmp jpeg:- | python
the program that fails is :

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import sys
import Image

imConvertOut= sys.stdin # IM convert output

pilImage = #just displays the image
I would like not to use any IM python binding. This may be a topic for a Python forum but it may be more likely that IM users may have faced this problem before.
Thanks in advance for your help.
cheers, :-)

Re: convert to stdout, and piping it to Python/PIL

Posted: 2010-02-16T06:19:51-07:00
by ikonamagick
a possible answer to my own post :-)
I tried the following and it works:

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from StringIO import StringIO

completeStdin =
imConvertOut = StringIO(completeStdin)