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3d watermark - how to achieve?
Posted: 2010-02-26T03:49:44-07:00
by akapap
how to achieve sth like that with imagemagick:
default option watermark only overlay logo. I'd like to make watermark more swelling.
Best regards.
Re: 3d watermark - how to achieve?
Posted: 2010-02-26T08:50:16-07:00
by Bonzo
Modify this code:
Code: Select all
$size = getimagesize("input.jpg");
// Size for watermark
$width = $size[0]*.9;
$height = $size[0]*.25;
$cmd = "-size {$width}x{$height} -background none -font Utopia-bold -fill white ".
" -gravity center caption:\"Copyright of Rubblewebs\" -shade 240x40";
echo $cmd;
// Create the watermark
exec("convert $cmd font.png ");
exec("composite -watermark 30% -gravity south font.png input.jpg embossed.png");
I use php and this code automaticaly resizes the watermark to fit the image size but you should be able to modify it to what you want.
The code creates an image with the text then overlays it over the image.

Re: 3d watermark - how to achieve?
Posted: 2010-02-26T10:06:43-07:00
by fmw42
see my script, bumptext at the link below