installation problems
Posted: 2010-03-01T13:11:00-07:00
Hello all,
I want to use Gallery in my site but facing some problems installing ImageMagick. A very old version was installed in cPanel and I wanted to upgrade it. I installed the latest version from source, but looks like the older version is still exists, because when I type:
whereis convert
I get:
I see here two paths of binary. Am I wrong? I feel that there is a problem as Gallery doesn't work properly with IM. Some problems happen that they don't happen with the version of Gallery/ImageMagick on my local server.
I am really confused! Should I uninstall ImageMagick first?
Any thoughts...?
I want to use Gallery in my site but facing some problems installing ImageMagick. A very old version was installed in cPanel and I wanted to upgrade it. I installed the latest version from source, but looks like the older version is still exists, because when I type:
whereis convert
I get:
Code: Select all
convert: [b]/usr/bin/convert /usr/local/bin/convert[/b] /usr/man/man1/convert.1 /usr/share/man/m
an1/convert.1 /usr/share/man/man1/convert.1.gz
I am really confused! Should I uninstall ImageMagick first?
Any thoughts...?