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convex hull of connected components

Posted: 2010-03-16T15:14:44-07:00
by alosca
Does IM compute convex hull of binary images ?

I have many binary images with a single (connected component) object in each image. Is there a way to use IM to determine the convex hull of the foreground object in a binary image and then paint its interior and produce another image with same size as the original but now containing the painted convex hull ? I don't care to know which points form the convex hull, just its filled, binary version. I have been using Matlab regionprops function to do just that but I would rather use IM.

Thanks for any input.
- alosca

Re: convex hull of connected components

Posted: 2010-03-16T15:50:26-07:00
by fmw42
nothing explicitly exists today to my knowledge. however Anthony is still working on his morphology functionality and perhaps he might look into adding the convex hull if practical.

Re: convex hull of connected components

Posted: 2010-03-16T18:27:10-07:00
by anthony
At this time there is not convex hul like functionality. However morphology does provide a way to generate hulls of specific shape. This however has no been built into IM yet!

Note there are two types convex hull of all elements in an image, and convex hulls of connected objects in the image.