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Basic animation
Posted: 2010-03-18T11:34:42-07:00
by crowhill
Hi there
Given: 0.gif, 1.gif, 2.gif, ..., 60.gif.
Seek: Animation showing 0.gif to 60.gif once and only once. Then, I wan to save the animation such that it'll play automatically when I open it.
I tried:
1. animate -delay 30 %d.gif[0-60] ... this shows the second file first and the first file at the end. Also, it loops through the sequence twice.
2. animate -delay 30 60.gif %d.gif[0-59] -loop 0 ... the order is correct but it loops through the sequence infinitely many times.
3. animate -delay 30 60.gif %d.gif[0-59] -loop n ... n is an integer greater than 0 ... again, the order is correct but it loops through the sequence n+1 times.
4. convert -delay 30 %d.gif[0-60] -loop 1 animation.gif ... gives 62 frames, the first shown one is the 62nd (62/62) and it is equal to 0.gif. The next one is the 1st (1/62) and it is again equal to 0.gif. Also, I have to use the space-bar to get through the animation, i. e. it's not automatic.
Nothing works!
Any ideas?
Thanks a lot in advance,
Re: Basic animation
Posted: 2010-03-18T11:55:16-07:00
by fmw42
does each 0.gif 1.gif etc have 60 frames in each of them, if not
try putting all your images in one directory (call it animation) so you can use *.gif
cd animation
convert -delay 30 *.gif -loop 1 animation.gif
Now when you open animation.gif in some browser it plays once (as I have verified)
You can also do:
convert -delay 30 %d.gif[0-2] -loop 1 anim.gif
and that works too
What version of IM are you using? If old perhaps you need to upgrade? I am using IM 6.6.0-6 Q16 Mac OSX Tiger
animate -delay 30 -loop 1 %d.gif[0-2]
Does seem to loop twice! So I would suggest you report that to the bugs forum.
Re: Basic animation
Posted: 2010-03-18T12:07:51-07:00
by crowhill
thanks a lot for the reply!
the problems i had can be traced back to the fact that i didn't know that the resulting gif is supposed to be viewed in a browser. doing so, everything seems fine!
however, what i actually want is an animation that i can watch with a movie player such as mplayer (in linux). how can i do that? do i simply have to change the output file to animation.mpeg or animation.avi or ... instead of animation.gif?
a big thanks again!
p.s.: the version i have installed is 7: (karmic) ... whatever that means.
Re: Basic animation
Posted: 2010-03-18T12:11:13-07:00
by fmw42
I am not really an animation expert. I know the basics for gif animations. But I have never done what you want with other movie formats, but suspect that is the case as long as you have the right delegates to create those formats. check your
convert -list format
and see if those formats have rw permissions.
see also
But your problem with too many loops in animate should be reported as a bug in my opinion.
I tried this:
convert -delay 30 %d.gif[0-2] -loop 1 anim.mpg
but it complained about the "ffmpeg" delegate that I guess I don't have.
So I tried
convert -delay 30 %d.gif[0-2] -loop 1
which did not complain, so I opened it in QuickTime and it showed only the first frame.
So I am not sure what else is needed.
Re: Basic animation
Posted: 2010-03-18T12:26:55-07:00
by snibgo
For animation in other formats, (.AVI, .MOV, MP4 etc) ImageMagick calls ffmpeg.
I just call ffmpeg directly:
ffmpeg -r 30 -i %02d.gif -r 30 output.avi
But the frames should have leading zeroes, so they would be 00.gif, 01.gif etc. (And I forget if ffmpeg starts at 0 or 1. Try it out, and let us know!) Any linux player should be able to play it, although some seem a bit flakey.
ffmpeg -?
for help.
Re: Basic animation
Posted: 2010-03-18T13:09:02-07:00
by crowhill
in ffmpeg, i did
Code: Select all
ffmpeg -qscale 1 -r 1 -b 9600 -i %d.gif animation.avi
for test files 1.gif, ..., 9.gif. it works great!
thanks a lot for all advices,
Re: Basic animation
Posted: 2010-06-09T22:12:27-07:00
by davezes
Sorry for the newbie Q.
I have the exact same issue as crowhill.
But when I enter something like
ffmpeg -qscale 1 -r 1 -b 9600 -i *.pdf animation.avi
bash reports:
ffmpeg: command not found
is FFmpeg an IM dependency that needs to be installed separately?
Re: Basic animation
Posted: 2010-06-09T22:33:47-07:00
by snibgo
IM uses ffmpeg as a delegate for movie operations. It isn't exactly a dependancy, but if you don't have ffmpeg, IM can't do those operations.
On Windows, IM comes with ffmpeg. On other platforms, you have to install it yourself.
Re: Basic animation
Posted: 2010-06-09T23:30:49-07:00
by davezes
Thanks snibgo,
Your info is right on target (I failed to mention I'm on a Mac).
I'm working with ffmpeg and will update this thread soon.
Many thanks!