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How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-22T12:03:25-07:00
by ziasumo
How I can get Mosaic view of a given image
After output image should be like
But before the image should be single image without splitting rows and colomns...
Is there any single command to get such result...?
Thanks in anticipation
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-22T12:15:16-07:00
by fmw42
you can use -draw to draw lines where you want. see
I have a unix bash script, grid, that adds a regular set of grid lines. see below
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-22T12:32:40-07:00
by ziasumo
But -draw will draw a line on image and line width will occupy the image.
I actually want to fcreate an image like to create space on image and then draw lines on it.
Can you suggest me something.
or if you did not get my point.
then I will try to explain it again...
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-22T12:35:18-07:00
by fmw42
you said you did not want to split rows and columns. but it now appears that is what you really want to do. so see -splice at
If I misunderstand, then please clarify further.
You can also do -crop into multiple sections and then flatten (composite) the pieces on a larger background color.
see ... .php#crop2 and and
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-22T12:42:52-07:00
by ziasumo
Thank you very much...
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-22T12:45:21-07:00
by fmw42
you are welcome. let us know how it works out and what method you used.
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-22T15:11:06-07:00
by fmw42
Here is probably the quickest and simplest way.
#put 2 pixel black border between cells and around outside
convert fish.jpg -crop 3x3@ +repage miff:- |\
montage - -background black -tile 3x3 -geometry +2+2 miff:- |\
convert - -bordercolor black -border 2 fish_mosaic.jpg

Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-23T02:56:07-07:00
by ziasumo
Thanks for cooperation.
I did not used it yet.
That is the near future task most probably. So I am already prepare waiting for the boss acknowledgment.
I think I will prefer to use -splice.
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-23T08:58:55-07:00
by snibgo
This "@" switch on crop, which seems to divide into equal portions, is new to me. I can't find it documented anywhere. Is it?
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-23T11:02:33-07:00
by fmw42
snibgo wrote:@ftw42:
This "@" switch on crop, which seems to divide into equal portions, is new to me. I can't find it documented anywhere. Is it?
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-23T11:12:24-07:00
by snibgo
Ah, thanks. I've only just upgraded from 5.8. All these wonderful new toys! (Sorry for calling you "ftw".)
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-23T11:26:16-07:00
by fmw42
Sorry for calling you "ftw".
I had not even noticed. But it is appropriate (fourier transform weinhaus --- ftw)
5.8 is really very very very very old!
But yes, it is really a good idea to try to keep up with the new IM releases. I try to stay current with the latest release. New features and bug fixes get added all the time.
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-23T12:12:12-07:00
by snibgo
Did I say 5.8? I meant 6.5.8.
I've wanted 6.6 for a while, but I've been working on a project with a climax/demo last Friday. Everything had to work exactly as rehearsed with no surprises whatsoever, apart from my fluff-ups of course. ... ptions.php under "crop" doesn't mention the "@", nor does ... p#geometry, nor do they point to that rather useful crop page.
Re: How to get mosaic view of an image...?
Posted: 2010-03-23T12:47:26-07:00
by fmw42
It is special for -crop that Anthony wrote while in China. I don't think it relates to -geometry, but should be added to the -crop part of the options page. I suspect he is behind in getting everything documented as he is likely still getting caught up at work and home since getting back.