SVG and gradient fillings, while PNG convertion
Posted: 2010-03-29T10:49:00-07:00
So... as I'm new at ImageMagick, one more question =)
I'm trying to convert svg file into png, saving transparency. And it's doing fine, till svg file doesn't have any gradient fillings. When it has, that shapes becomes black-N-white with contour and no filling at all=(
Here's how I'm doing it:
appreciate in any help in this..
I'm trying to convert svg file into png, saving transparency. And it's doing fine, till svg file doesn't have any gradient fillings. When it has, that shapes becomes black-N-white with contour and no filling at all=(
Here's how I'm doing it:
Code: Select all
convert -verbose -background none -alpha Background -density 44 dog.svg dog.png