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SVG and gradient fillings, while PNG convertion

Posted: 2010-03-29T10:49:00-07:00
by Kevich
So... as I'm new at ImageMagick, one more question =)
I'm trying to convert svg file into png, saving transparency. And it's doing fine, till svg file doesn't have any gradient fillings. When it has, that shapes becomes black-N-white with contour and no filling at all=(
Here's how I'm doing it:

Code: Select all

convert -verbose -background none -alpha Background -density 44 dog.svg dog.png
appreciate in any help in this..

Re: SVG and gradient fillings, while PNG convertion

Posted: 2010-03-29T10:53:33-07:00
by fmw42
have you installed the RSVG package?


convert -list configure

see if it is included in the line starting with DELEGATES

otherwise post a link to your dog.svg file so that others can test it.

Re: SVG and gradient fillings, while PNG convertion

Posted: 2010-03-29T11:01:06-07:00
by Kevich
yep no rsvg in DELEGATES =(

Code: Select all

DELEGATES     bzlib fontconfig freetype jpeg jng lcms png tiff x11 xml zlib
think I found out where to dig, if it won't work i'll post it. Thanks for fast reply

Re: SVG and gradient fillings, while PNG convertion

Posted: 2010-03-29T11:06:55-07:00
by fmw42
do Google search for librsvg

or see