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Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T10:50:28-07:00
by d7e7r7
Hi there,

I downloaded the Mogrify plugin for Lightroom but cannot get the caption feature to work. I add {caption} (so that it will use the embedded caption) to the "Define your text field" and the caption is placed on the image fine but it does not go to a new line and cuts the caption off. See here for an example: ... on2494.jpg

Kind Regards,
David Ritchie

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T11:14:23-07:00
by magick
We did not write nor do we support Lightroom. If you have a question about a command line specific to the ImageMagick utilities mogrify or convert, let us know.

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T11:18:42-07:00
by d7e7r7
magick wrote:We did not write nor do we support Lightroom. If you have a question about a command line specific to the ImageMagick utilities mogrify or convert, let us know.
Sorry I assumed that you guys were involved in the making/support of Mogrify ( ... ogrify.php)

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T11:19:09-07:00
by Bonzo
There was another poster in the "Kudos Rants" who was having problems with light room - I think its the way they impliment IM.

I suggest you both get together and contact the developer.

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T11:25:10-07:00
by Bonzo
I have just checked out the plugin page and the developer has written:
Q: How do I use Mogrify?
A: Please don't contact me! Contact ImageMagick's support.
Thats a bit cheeky !

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T11:29:59-07:00
by d7e7r7
Bonzo wrote:There was another poster in the "Kudos Rants" who was having problems with light room - I think its the way they impliment IM.

I suggest you both get together and contact the developer.
Ok thanks, will search for that post + have already emailed the dev but dunno if he'll reply??
Bonzo wrote:I have just checked out the plugin page and the developer has written:
Q: How do I use Mogrify?
A: Please don't contact me! Contact ImageMagick's support.
Thats a bit cheeky !
lol i didnt see that but yeah it is kinda... one should offer basic support for ones program (even if it is freeware/donationware)

Hope he replies as it is really frustrating for me and cant find anything else that will do that??

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T11:34:46-07:00
by Bonzo
As I said to the guy on the other thread you can use IM from batch sripts etc. and so could add captions to your images that way - are you Windows or Mac ?

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T11:37:29-07:00
by d7e7r7
Bonzo wrote:As I said to the guy on the other thread you can use IM from batch sripts etc. and so could add captions to your images that way - are you Windows or Mac ?
I am Windows.I would like to be able to use the caption metadata that in the image rather than have to type out a caption for each image if u know what i mean? Mogrify has that option just cant get it to make new lines to prevent it from running off the image as per the one i uploaded...

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T11:45:48-07:00
by Bonzo
I tend to use php but try forcing a word wrap by adding an end of line e.g.
...........during the race.
Picture: David Ritchie

I do not use LR and so can not test the plugin.

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T12:02:44-07:00
by snibgo
The product called "LR/Mogrify" seems to be an interface between Lightroom and ImageMagick. is a good page for learning how to use ImageMagick directly to annotate images.

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T13:16:46-07:00
by d7e7r7
Bonzo wrote:I tend to use php but try forcing a word wrap by adding an end of line e.g.
...........during the race.
Picture: David Ritchie

I do not use LR and so can not test the plugin.
Thanks for the help, at present all you need to do is type in {caption} in the text box and it retrieves the caption from the image and is supposed to put it on the image. Dunno how I would use php to do that?? Any ideas?
snibgo wrote:The product called "LR/Mogrify" seems to be an interface between Lightroom and ImageMagick. is a good page for learning how to use ImageMagick directly to annotate images.
:shock: :shock: :? That is sooo looong and complicate for me, lol... any quick way of telling someone how to get the caption from the lightroom metadata and then impose it on the image?

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T13:42:15-07:00
by Bonzo
Post a link to an image with some metadata and I am sure somebody will have a go at retreaving it.

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T14:02:49-07:00
by d7e7r7
Bonzo wrote:Post a link to an image with some metadata and I am sure somebody will have a go at retreaving it.
The image above (in my first post) has some metadata in it. I re-imported it into lightroom to check if the metadata was stil there and it seemed to be, so have fun... thanks alot...

Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T14:16:07-07:00
by Bonzo
I am off to bed now but with a bit of tweeking you should be able to get what you want.
This is using php but you can make a batch file and drop your photo into it and create the same thing.


Code: Select all

$input = "";

$size = getimagesize( $input );
$text = exec("identify -format %[EXIF:ImageDescription] $input");

echo $text;

$cmd = " $input ( -size {$size[0]}x70".
" -background black -fill white".
" -pointsize 16 -gravity center ".
"caption:\"$text\" -flatten ) -append ";
exec("convert $cmd caption.jpg"); 


Re: Mogrify lightroom plug-in caption problem

Posted: 2010-04-04T14:22:09-07:00
by fmw42
Bonzo beat me to it. Here it is in unix command line placed 20 pixels from the top.

width=`convert twooceansmarathon2494.jpg -format "%w" info:`
str=`convert twooceansmarathon2494.jpg -format "%[EXIF:ImageDescription]" info:`
convert twooceansmarathon2494.jpg \
\( -size ${width}x -background none -font Helvetica -fill white caption:"$str" \) \
-gravity north -geometry +0+20 -composite twooceansmarathon2494_caption.jpg