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Reversing a captcha pic
Posted: 2010-04-07T07:55:15-07:00
by xinomahc
Hello, im trying to reverse one captcha image to a more readable image
Normal captcha image:
My modified image:
Asking opinions since i have 1 day of experience in imagemagick and from what I've read I cant rly do much.
Can someone post some options/tips on how to make the normal captcha image alot more readable by human, and/or ocr.
Imagemagick is great, Regards.
Re: Reversing a captcha pic
Posted: 2010-04-07T09:35:59-07:00
by xinomahc
any idea on how to make the first image more human readable as IM is so huge
Re: Reversing a captcha pic
Posted: 2010-04-07T15:21:36-07:00
by xinomahc
no one has some good tips?

Re: Reversing a captcha pic
Posted: 2010-04-07T15:24:52-07:00
by fmw42
Nothing that I have tried, so far, seems to work. But then I am curious about your need for this. I don't want to be a party to someone trying to hack into someone else's system. Even if one could make it more readable, IM does not do OCR to be able to tell you what the characters are.
Re: Reversing a captcha pic
Posted: 2010-04-07T16:54:08-07:00
by xinomahc
the goal is no to hack anything, its just a captcha used in a random online game
and by making it more human readable i can implement some ocr engine on it, thus outputing the 3 characters found on the image, thing is it seems a bit hard to get some more human readable pics, so far ive done quite a few tests on it but still getting hard to get a quality pic out of it..
thats why i posted here to get some comments/tips/feedback
Re: Reversing a captcha pic
Posted: 2010-04-07T17:00:54-07:00
by fmw42
the letters are easily read as K74. so why do you need to ocr them.
Re: Reversing a captcha pic
Posted: 2010-04-08T07:51:29-07:00
by xinomahc
i need to ocr them to make some sort of bot that can play the online game... thats why im trying to clear the pic to a more readable method so i can ocr it with some success

Re: Reversing a captcha pic
Posted: 2010-04-08T17:00:36-07:00
by xinomahc
no1 else has any tips?

Re: Reversing a captcha pic
Posted: 2010-04-14T08:08:48-07:00
by billbell52
The whole purpose of a captcha is to make sure a human is on the other end. I thought the image was IC74 and fmw42 thought it was K74 so it really is a test. I am familiar with ocr and there is no way it would work. The characters need to be well formed. If this is randomly created each time then forget it. Image matching is possible if there are a limited number of ways a character can be formed. Google captcha.