without negate option, but replaced
Posted: 2010-04-15T08:11:26-07:00
I use ImageMagick 6.5.7 on windows to convert from PDF to EPS, which command is "convert -trim aaa.pdf aaa.eps"
Those PDF are almost based on Photo and illustration.
Now, some EPS is replaced each pixel with its complementary color without negate option.
So I do use "negate option" , and that is converted appropriately.
I do not know why those EPS is replaced without negate option.
Could you show me the condition that ImageMagick replace its color without option.
Thanks in advance.
Those PDF are almost based on Photo and illustration.
Now, some EPS is replaced each pixel with its complementary color without negate option.
So I do use "negate option" , and that is converted appropriately.
I do not know why those EPS is replaced without negate option.
Could you show me the condition that ImageMagick replace its color without option.
Thanks in advance.