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combine multible images

Posted: 2010-04-17T08:13:36-07:00
by lundsimon
I have a scanner that is generating a sequence of motion picture monochrome images of the RGB information is this order
image0.bmp red
image1.bmp green
image2.bmp blue
image3.bmp red

Is there a way with the comand line to combine a batch of these files within a range so it will start with every third image without writing out every frame number?



Re: combine multible images

Posted: 2010-04-17T10:11:49-07:00
by fmw42
lundsimon wrote:I have a scanner that is generating a sequence of motion picture monochrome images of the RGB information is this order
image0.bmp red
image1.bmp green
image2.bmp blue
image3.bmp red

Is there a way with the comand line to combine a batch of these files within a range so it will start with every third image without writing out every frame number?



What do you mean by combine?

I suspect that you will likely need to write a script to loop over your images and select every 3rd one. What platform are you on?

Re: combine multible images

Posted: 2010-04-18T06:26:50-07:00
by lundsimon
By using this command:

convert image0.bmp image1.bmp image2.bmp -channel RGB \
-combine imagecopy.bmp

I can make a color image out of the monochrome files, I am using windows XP.


Re: combine multible images

Posted: 2010-04-18T11:42:53-07:00
by fmw42
you will likely need a batch script file to loop over your images and some help from one of the Windows users.

Re: combine multible images

Posted: 2010-04-24T04:43:30-07:00
by lundsimon
The batch scrip was a good hint, this could be streamlined but it works. i is the first frame, title is the file name and the LEQ value is the last frame to be combined.



@echo off
set i=0
set title=test
set plus=1
set /a one=%i%+%plus%
set /a two=%one%+%plus%
set three=3
set count=0
set plus=1

@echo on
convert %title%%i%.bmp %title%%one%.bmp %title%%two%.bmp -channel RGB -combine -negate %title%rgb%count%.bmp

@echo off
set /a i="%i%+%three%"
set /a one="%one%+%three%"
set /a two="%two%+%three%"
set /a count="%count%+%plus%"

if %i% LEQ 2 goto :startloop
echo done