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output of convert pdf to jpg sometimes has wrong order

Posted: 2010-05-04T03:03:00-07:00
by Titus
Hello everybody!

I would expect that this command

Code: Select all

convert -colorspace rgb -density 300x300 test.pdf test.jpg
preserves the order of the pages of the original pdf document. But sometimes it happens to me that the wrong page is on place one of the output files. After the first page the order seems to be correct. Strange, uh? Maybe someone has an idea what the problem could be?

Thanks in advance for any hint

Re: output of convert pdf to jpg sometimes has wrong order

Posted: 2010-05-04T09:50:10-07:00
by fmw42
what IM version are you using? if old, try upgrading. post a link to an example that fails.

Re: output of convert pdf to jpg sometimes has wrong order

Posted: 2010-05-04T10:39:44-07:00
by Titus
Upgrading did the job. At least I couldn't reproduce the failure. :)

Thanks for your repsonse!