IM 6.5.1 -> 6.5.7: Where have all the colors gone?
Posted: 2010-05-08T07:02:49-07:00
To be brief: I have successfully used IM to print date (from EXIF) to images. After upgrading from 6.5.1 to 6.5.7 I lost the ability to control the color of text to be written to images. At the same time (k)ubuntu upgraded from 9.04 to 10.04, but I feel like I should still be able to select color with IM.
Command I use is:
Color is given values as names of colors (e.g. yellow, coral3, etc..).
And every color I have tried will produce black text. I have tried rgb-values, I have copied colors.xml from previous version. And basically I just don't know what to try next. Any help is highly appreciated.
Command I use is:
Code: Select all
convert \
-font Bookman-DemiItalic \
-pointsize ${FONTSIZE} \
-draw "text ${image_x1},${image_y1} \"${text}\"" \
-channel RGBA -fill "${color}" -stroke black \
"kuva.jpg" "slices/kuva-${color}.jpg"
Color is given values as names of colors (e.g. yellow, coral3, etc..).
And every color I have tried will produce black text. I have tried rgb-values, I have copied colors.xml from previous version. And basically I just don't know what to try next. Any help is highly appreciated.