Transparent Image
Posted: 2010-05-09T11:12:03-07:00
Short Summary of My Goal: Trying to take a radar image with a black background and make the black background completely transparent (100%) also while making the radar image (colored pixels) somewhat transparent (ie. 50% transparent).
I've been able to easily strip away the black background using the following command
The next step would be to make the radar image, which was left untouched by the previous command, semi-transparent. I've tried several examples and have came across two distinct problems.
1) Using the following code(s) I was able to get the radar image semi-transparent, however also ended up with a 'darkened' background that was not 100% transparent.
2) The following got rid of the darkened background problem, but made the entire radar image that remained gray.
Any ideas as to how this could be accomplished? Thanks!
I've been able to easily strip away the black background using the following command
Code: Select all
convert radar.png transparent -black radar-bgclear.png
1) Using the following code(s) I was able to get the radar image semi-transparent, however also ended up with a 'darkened' background that was not 100% transparent.
Code: Select all
composite -dissolve 50% clear.png radar.png radar-1.png
Code: Select all
convert radar.png -channel all -fx '0.5' radar-1.png
2) The following got rid of the darkened background problem, but made the entire radar image that remained gray.
Code: Select all
convert radar.png -channel rgb -fx '0.5' radar-1.png
Any ideas as to how this could be accomplished? Thanks!