I tried several variations, none of which seemed correct. Also, these two inexplicably yielded different results,
Code: Select all
$ convert blue_type.png -channel b -fx "u.g" -channel g -fx "u.b" green_type.png
$ convert blue_type.png -channel g -fx "u.b" -channel b -fx "u.g" green_type.png
Code: Select all
$ convert blue_type.png blue_type_2.png -channel b -fx "v.g" -channel g -fx "v.b" green_type.png
$ convert blue_type.png blue_type_2.png -channel g -fx "v.b" -channel b -fx "v.g" green_type.png
Code: Select all
$ convert blue_type.png -channel gb -fx "channel(r,b,g,a)" green_type.png
What I expected to work was something like,
Code: Select all
$ convert blue_type.png -fx "out.g = in.b;out.b = in.g" green_type.png
I am in awe of what this package does, and very embarrassed to be falling down at the first hurdle in trying to use it. What am I missing here?
Thanks in advance,