Easily blend multiple images?
Posted: 2010-05-11T20:42:59-07:00
I have several (hundreds) of images that I'd like to average together equally. I know I can do this two images at a time using a shifting blend argument ranging from 1 to 100.
A first attempt over 132 images went something like the following (merge.jpg starts out as a blank page):
Ideally I'd run IM in one shot to avoid having to specify the total number of images and, hopefully, more equally weight each image.
Any tips?
A first attempt over 132 images went something like the following (merge.jpg starts out as a blank page):
Code: Select all
for P in input/*.jpg ; do C=$[C+1]; B=$[C*100/132]; composite -blend $B merge.jpg "$P" -matte merge.jpg ; done
Any tips?