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Suppress split of jpg's

Posted: 2010-05-13T23:28:27-07:00
by Kartoffeldip
I convert a PDF in jpg with convert. I have as result multiple jpg's, because convert splits a large PDF-file. It's bothersome - I must afterwards to edit every single jpg-file. Wha'ts the method, in order to suppress the splitting? I am user of Debian Lenny. Thak you an advance! Kartoffeldip

Re: Suppress split of jpg's

Posted: 2010-05-14T10:24:39-07:00
by fmw42
not sure I understand what you mean by split. jpg does not support multi-page format, so if the pdf has multiple pages, IM will convert them to separate images. If you want to keep the pdf as on multi-page file in another image format, you must use a format that supports multiple pages, such as GIF or TIFF or MNG etc.

Re: Suppress split of jpg's

Posted: 2010-05-15T13:05:20-07:00
by Kartoffeldip
You are right - a PDF-file have any pages - it's my fault. The problem exists with OpenOffice. I can determine only 300 cm document-tallness in preferences und not more. I need it, because I use a font size 140. It's necessary by reason that after creating odt-document->export as PDF->convert PDF to jpg I obtain a slow quality of jpg-file, although I use convert with option -quality 100. I create a small video-project with Kdenlive and need a rolling "credits" with text, wich I create as above described. Thank you! Kartoffeldip

Re: Suppress split of jpg's

Posted: 2010-05-15T13:26:40-07:00
by fmw42
you can improve quality in two ways

1) use -quality 100 for jpg

2) use supersampling between pdf and jpg, but this will be slow

convert -density 288 image.pdf -resize 25% image.jpg

density=288=4*72 so you should resize by 1/4=25%, but you can play with the density and resize factor to adjust or use a different factor to get more or less quality

Re: Suppress split of jpg's

Posted: 2010-05-16T03:43:51-07:00
by Kartoffeldip
Thank you! The option -density is very helpful. I obtain a better quality o jpg-file, as with quality-option. With regards, Kartoffeldip