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How to put several images on a frame when using "-dispose" ?

Posted: 2010-05-23T19:24:41-07:00
by binocthex11
For example, using this command:

Code: Select all

convert \
    -delay 1x2 -dispose none -size 640x360 \
        xc:SkyBlue +antialias \
        -fill DodgerBlue -draw 'circle 50,50 15,25' \
    -dispose previous \
        -page +0+0   	one.bmp \
        -page +300+300 two.bmp \
        -page +50+50 	three.bmp \
	-page +60+60 	four.bmp \
    -loop 0 \
I can make a simple animation, which displays the four BMP files one by one.
Here is the question, what command should I use to display two or more images simultaneously on a single frame?
That is to say, I want to let the animation show one.bmp and two.bmp together, then three.bmp and four.bmp on the next frame.

Thanks a lot!

Re: How to put several images on a frame when using "-dispos

Posted: 2010-05-23T19:38:51-07:00
by fmw42
You probably need to append the images before writing to each frame. see -append or +append ... php#append and
if you want them side-by-side in a row or column.

If you want them in a grid, see montage at

Re: How to put several images on a frame when using "-dispos

Posted: 2010-05-23T20:01:27-07:00
by binocthex11
fmw42 wrote:You probably need to append the images before writing to each frame. see -append or +append ... php#append and
if you want them side-by-side in a row or column.

If you want them in a grid, see montage at

Well, actually I want them to be at any position I wish. I'm trying '-composite' but this piece of code does not work, error message is given:

Code: Select all

$ convert -size 640x360 \
>   one.bmp -geometry +0+0 -composite \
>   two.bmp -geometry +300+300 -composite \
>   result.gif
convert.exe: missing an image filename `result.gif'.

Re: How to put several images on a frame when using "-dispos

Posted: 2010-05-23T20:06:26-07:00
by binocthex11
binocthex11 wrote:
fmw42 wrote:You probably need to append the images before writing to each frame. see -append or +append ... php#append and
if you want them side-by-side in a row or column.

If you want them in a grid, see montage at

Well, actually I want them to be at any position I wish. I'm trying '-composite' but this piece of code does not work, error message is given:

Code: Select all

$ convert -size 640x360 \
>   one.bmp -geometry +0+0 -composite \
>   two.bmp -geometry +300+300 -composite \
>   result.gif
convert.exe: missing an image filename `result.gif'.

I made a mistake. It does work.

Re: How to put several images on a frame when using "-dispos

Posted: 2010-05-23T22:31:32-07:00
by fmw42
convert -size 640x360 \
one.bmp -geometry +0+0 -composite \
two.bmp -geometry +300+300 -composite \
convert.exe: missing an image filename `result.gif'.
You should define an image with some color for the background, here I use white

convert -size 640x360 xc:white \
one.bmp -geometry +0+0 -composite \
two.bmp -geometry +300+300 -composite \

You can also do it with one operation using -flatten for example (with -page rather than -geometry). see