Batch file problems on XP with conert and composite
Posted: 2010-05-27T12:15:02-07:00
Hello hello,
i have a problem with a batch file. I want to convert and composite pictures from my directory with the batch file. So all pics are composite with the 123.gif! On WIN7 everything is fine, but on Win XP it is a problem and it does´n work. The code is:
And does some knows why the image 123.gif can not be a 123.jpg? If it is a JPG the result pics will be dark.
Sorry for my englisch and thanks for help.
i have a problem with a batch file. I want to convert and composite pictures from my directory with the batch file. So all pics are composite with the 123.gif! On WIN7 everything is fine, but on Win XP it is a problem and it does´n work. The code is:
Code: Select all
SET "TEST=C:\TEST\123.gif"
FOR /f "delims=" %%I IN ('DIR *.JPG /b') DO (convert "%TEST%" ^( "%%I" -resize 1170x878 ^) -geometry +610+115 -composite newpic\%date%_"%mytime%"_"%%I")
Sorry for my englisch and thanks for help.