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Liquid Rescale on Windows

Posted: 2010-06-05T13:10:10-07:00
by Fludimir
How can I get working Liquid Rescale on Windows? When I tried to use it I get this error

Code: Select all

convert: DelegateLibrarySupportNotBuiltIn `user_photo.jpg' (LQR) @ error/resize.c/LiquidRescaleImage/1602.
The same error I've got on server with CentOS, but there I installed liblqr from sources, recompiled ImageMagick and liquid rescale works. But I did't find any liblqr binaries for windows, and have no idea how to compile it from sources

I need liquid rescale for better resize custom shape images to 300x400px . I tried to use -liquid-rescale 300x400! on 2048x1536 photo, and got very very strange result.. Options like 75x100%! work as expected, but I want to get result image only with my dimensions

Re: Liquid Rescale on Windows

Posted: 2010-06-05T14:36:38-07:00
by fmw42
I am not sure IM supports that on Windows, if I remember correctly. At one point that was the case and I don't know if that has changed. Any windows user who is successfully using it, please correct me.

Re: Liquid Rescale on Windows

Posted: 2010-06-05T14:47:06-07:00
by snibgo
On Windows 7, IM 6.6.0-8, I get the same problem.

Re: Liquid Rescale on Windows

Posted: 2010-06-05T14:54:02-07:00
by Bonzo
I spoke to Pete about it and he said its not currently supported on Windows and there isn't a deligate/file ? to compile it.

Re: Liquid Rescale on Windows

Posted: 2010-06-05T15:35:59-07:00
by Fludimir
It is a pity. I hope it will be possible in the future. But there is liquid rescale plugin for gimp, and it is aviable for windows too. If this plugin works on windows, what is the problem with liblqr?
And what about my second question, can anybody explain how to use liquid rescale to resize image to custom dimensions?

Re: Liquid Rescale on Windows

Posted: 2010-06-05T15:37:14-07:00
by fmw42
And what about my second question, can anybody explain how to use liquid rescale to resize image to custom dimensions?
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