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Converting image sequence

Posted: 2010-06-15T06:14:00-07:00
by Siso

Im converting a image sequences with 1125 pictures. Im using this string:

convert "E:\AVI prepisy\LIDL\SKYPE\*.tiff" -alpha off -gamma 0.454545 -recolor "0.4124564 0.35
75761 0.1804375 0.2126729 0.7151522 0.0721750 0.0193339 0.1191920 0.9503041" -gamma 2.6 -background black -resize 1920x1
080! -gravity center -extent 1920x1080 +adjoin -compress None "E:\AVI prepisy\LIDL\SKYPE\TIFF\LIDL_XYZ_%05d.tiff"

Prolem is that converse time is too long (very long - Im never waited to the finish). :) But when Im limite numbers of pictures for example to 50 its very quick procedure. So when i recalculate it, 1125 numbers of pictures have to be finished maybe in 3-5minutes. But it doesnt. :(

Can u help me someone where can by a problem?

Thnak u


Re: Converting image sequence

Posted: 2010-06-15T06:42:17-07:00
by magick
See ... tera-pixel. Your image pixels are cached to disk which is 1000 times slower than memory. Your command will finish but it may take some time. Add -limit area 0 to your command to stop the thrashing you are most likely experiencing. Add -monitor to your command line to monitor progress.

Re: Converting image sequence

Posted: 2010-06-15T07:16:39-07:00
by Siso
The most longht filter is resize. Is any different filter what can I use for resizing?

Re: Converting image sequence

Posted: 2010-06-15T07:34:21-07:00
by magick
The fastest resize is -sample, however, the results are not nearly as good as -resize.

Re: Converting image sequence

Posted: 2010-06-15T13:33:02-07:00
by Drarakel
@Siso: You might consider using a script. This way, you're feeding one image after the other to ImageMagick instead of loading all the images at once.
Examplary template:

Code: Select all

@echo off
for %%i in (%1) do (
echo Converting "%%i" to "foo-%~ni.tiff"...
convert "%%i" parameters "foo-%~ni.tiff"
Then you should be able to convert your images faster with "batchfile *.tiff".

Re: Converting image sequence

Posted: 2010-06-15T18:12:42-07:00
by anthony
The -thumbnail operator uses -sample for bulk resizing then uses -resize to finish off the job.

This is also similar to using -define jpeg:size NxM to only read in part of a JPEG image (at say twice the final size) before you use -resize to finish the task.