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Run-time equivalent of --disable-openmp

Posted: 2010-06-21T16:29:51-07:00
by rzuris
If IM has been compiled with OpenMP enabled, can it be disabled with a command-line option or configure.xml setting or whatever at run-time? It was installed with the package manager, so if I compile it manually, I lose the ability to update it with the package manager.

Re: Run-time equivalent of --disable-openmp

Posted: 2010-06-21T17:09:27-07:00
by fmw42
I am no expert on this, but see this recent thread


Re: Run-time equivalent of --disable-openmp

Posted: 2010-06-21T18:32:21-07:00
by rzuris
In that thread, it's the same request, basically, to disable OpenMP without recompiling. Looks like that isn't an option, so I'll go ahead and build from source myself, which I'm quite used to now.