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Multiple Instances

Posted: 2010-06-21T21:03:55-07:00
by immortal26
Okay this is more of a php question than an ImageMagick question but it deals with ImageMagick and I want to post it here for those who may ask the same thing and can just search for it.
I want to be able to run a script more than once using a foreach loop with an include (code below):

Code: Select all



$path = '/opt/local/bin/';

$order[0]['type'] = "beach";
$order[0]['first'] = "chris";
$order[0]['second'] = "amanda";

$order[1]['type'] = "chairs";
$order[1]['first'] = "chris";
$order[1]['second'] = "amanda";

$order[2]['type'] = "golf";
$order[2]['first'] = "chris clemmons";

$order[3]['type'] = "heart";
$order[3]['first'] = "chris";
$order[3]['second'] = "amanda";
$order[4]['third'] = "6/10/10";

$order[4]['type'] = "lakeside";
$order[4]['first'] = "chris";
$order[4]['second'] = "amanda";

$order[5]['type'] = "stadium";
$order[5]['first'] = "chris clemmons";

$order[6]['type'] = "swan";
$order[6]['first'] = "chris";
$order[6]['second'] = "amanda";

$order[7]['type'] = "wine";
$order[7]['first'] = "chris";
$order[7]['second'] = "clemmons";

$order[8]['type'] = "horse";
$order[8]['first'] = "chris";
$order[8]['second'] = "amanda";


foreach($order as $o) {
	$first = $o['first'];
	$second = $o['second'];
	$third = $o['third'];


As you can see near the bottom is where I'm including the script to render an image... these scripts are using ImageMagick to create the image... but I have to wait until it's finished before the loop continues with the next.
If you haven't guessed, if it could run through the loops without holding up on running one script at a time it would render much faster depending on the server spec's (cpu/ram etc...). I have also tried calling the script through exec() with no $return but it still waits until it's finished.
Example from one of the scripts:

Code: Select all


$bg = 'heart/back/bg.jpg';
$font = 'heart/font/itcblk.ttf';
$final = '_FINAL/';

$text = $first;
$text3 = $second;
$text3 = $third;

$text = ucfirst(strtolower($text)).' &';
$text2 = ucfirst(strtolower($text2));
$text3 = date('m.d.y', strtotime($text3));

$compolay = $path.'convert -size 500x170 -gravity center -background none -fill "#010101" -font '.$font.' label:"'.$text.'" comp1.png';
exec($compolay, $result);

$compolay = $path.'convert -size 500x170 -gravity center -background none -fill "#010101" -font '.$font.' label:"'.$text2.'" comp2.png';
exec($compolay, $result);

$compolay = $path.'convert -size 500x170 -gravity center -background none -fill "#010101" -font '.$font.' label:"'.$text3.'" comp3.png';
exec($compolay, $result);

$finalout = $path.'convert '.$bg.' comp1.png -geometry +970+1350 -composite comp2.png -geometry +970+1470 -composite comp3.png -geometry +970+1570 -composite -compress jpeg '.$final.$c.'final.pdf';

exec($finalout, $result);
exec('rm comp1.png comp2.png comp3.png', $result);

All script are bassically the same thing but with different images rendered.

So just curious if anyone out there would know of such a way of doing this.
