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JPEG from EPS does not display in IE

Posted: 2010-06-24T10:20:14-07:00
by jpcain429

Have encountered an issue where JPEG files that we are converting from EPS files are not displaying in Internet Explorer (have confirmed this in IE6 and IE7 so far). We are simply using the ImageMagik command line as follows:

convert.exe source.eps target.jpg

The JPEG files open fine in the Firefox browser, and is quite a mystery to us as to why IE will not open them (they simply appear as a broken image link). Has anyone encountered this issue before, or can anyone offer any suggestions?

Best Regards,


Re: JPEG from EPS does not display in IE

Posted: 2010-06-24T10:23:46-07:00
by fmw42
Are your jpgs in cmyk format? If so, that may be the problem.

try (if you do not have internal profiles)

convert.exe -colorspace RGB source.eps target.jpg

otherwise, see

Re: JPEG from EPS does not display in IE

Posted: 2010-06-24T14:37:18-07:00
by Bonzo
There was a thread about this in the last month or so but I can not find it; Snibgo had some examples on his website but I can not find them either !
As fmw42 says some browsers may or may not display the image depending on the format/colour profile and some will display them incorrectly.

Re: JPEG from EPS does not display in IE

Posted: 2010-06-24T14:50:51-07:00
by snibgo
I'd forgotten that: Near the bottom, the CMYK JPG won't display in IE8. I suspect fmw's diagnosis is correct.

@jpcain429: If not, post the URL here and someone might suggest something else.

Re: JPEG from EPS does not display in IE

Posted: 2010-06-24T16:39:54-07:00
by jpcain429
fmw42 wrote:Are your jpgs in cmyk format? If so, that may be the problem.

try (if you do not have internal profiles)

convert.exe -colorspace RGB source.eps target.jpg

otherwise, see
Thanks for the suggestion. The jpegs were CMYK format. I instead used:

convert.exe -colorspace sRGB source.eps target.jpg

The sRGB colorspace resulted in a better image for me. Not sure if I will need to worry about profiles or not. Is that something I can test programmatically (perhaps using the identify command)?

Re: JPEG from EPS does not display in IE

Posted: 2010-06-24T18:02:25-07:00
by fmw42
identify -verbose

should tell you what profiles you have or at least some hints of that information, but I am not an expert on profiles.