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IM Server hotfolders use

Posted: 2010-06-26T00:32:00-07:00
by myspacee
Hello to all,
I want to install new server that offer to users some hotfolder where user put some files
and obtain desired effetc. Think about :

- images to .ps (out standard format)
- .pdf to .tif
- prepare for web (scale - RGB - etc)
- remove white border

an agent (program) watch these folder and when find a new file start batch and put result in a OUT folder.

No problem for this. I'm here to ask which are your common IM tasks
and if you have some idea that help me to offer better service to my users.

thank you for your time,


Re: IM Server hotfolders use

Posted: 2010-06-27T20:32:52-07:00
by anthony
I am not certain what you mean by a 'hotfolder'. IM is just a program that works with image files using the current directory or the path you specify as part of the file read and write.

As for common tasks. Their are thousands of things people do. That is why they use ImageMagick, because they can do things the way they want it done, and can script up the process.

For examples of many of the things people do, see IM Examples

For many many many scripts of more complex things, see Fred Weinhaus's IM scripts

There are other people to. I list many sources in my 'hotlist' which is a direct extract of my personal browser bookmarks ... 20Examples

Also look at the other links around this location on the page.