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Set tiff:alpha=associated

Posted: 2010-06-29T03:02:13-07:00
by btam
I tried to remove the alpha channel of a tiff image with the following command:

convert -define tiff:alpha=associated image.tiff new_image.tiff

I have test it in 2 different versions:
ImageMagick 6.6.2-7 and ImageMagick6.2.8.

This tag only works in 6.6.2-7.

Does anyone know which is the least version to work with this option?


Re: Set tiff:alpha=associated

Posted: 2010-06-29T05:37:03-07:00
by magick
Add -alpha off to your command line to remove the alpha channel.

Re: Set tiff:alpha=associated

Posted: 2010-06-29T06:01:14-07:00
by btam
if I add -alpha off, my transparent background will appear to be white color.

i need to preserve the transparency but not to have alpha channel.
This can be done by -define tiff:alpha=associated
But i would like to know which is the oldest version support this tag setting??