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Converting multipage PDF to TIFF

Posted: 2010-06-29T13:45:46-07:00
by tomtom999
Hello! I'm looking for the right batch command to convert ALL .pdf-files (multipage!) to .tif-files (also multipage!). All I got is a command to convert all .pdf to .tif-files but it creates single sheet files. I need to create new .tif-multipage-Files. Can somebody give me a hint please... Thanx!!!

Re: Converting multipage PDF to TIFF

Posted: 2010-06-29T14:23:00-07:00
by fmw42
see mogrify at it works on a folder of images at a time. recommend that you create a second new directory to put the newly created files into, so you don't walk over you orginals until you are sure the new ones are fine.

create folder2
assume images are in folder1

cd folder1
mogrify -path /fullpathto/folder2 -format .tif *.pdf

try that.