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Image PDF Compression

Posted: 2010-07-10T23:43:00-07:00
by prateek
Hi all,

I have pdf file which contains mainly images and i want to do the following operations on the file :-

- Contrast Strech 1x1%
- Resize 50%
-Compress Group4

Can it be achived thru ImageMagik?


Re: Image PDF Compression

Posted: 2010-07-11T11:50:14-07:00
by fmw42

convert image.pdf -contrast-stretch 1x1% -resize 50% -compress Group4 resultimage

You don't say what output format. Note, generally for PDF you need to specify a density before reading the image and converting to some other format. Also, very important, IM will rasterize your PDF and then convert back to vector (see

If you are new to IM, please see ... ptions.php

Re: Image PDF Compression

Posted: 2010-07-11T18:06:24-07:00
by anthony