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Difference between IM Linux and IM Windows

Posted: 2010-07-12T04:55:27-07:00
by Flagg
Hello everybody,
I have a problem at converting a CMYK TIFF into a RGB JPEG file on a Linux PC, but not on a Windows PC.
I used following command:

Code: Select all

convert cmyk.tif +profile icm +profile icc -profile cmyk.icc -profile rgb.icc rgb.jpg
I used this command at a windows machine and everything works finde.
I used this command at a linux machine and nothing happend to the colorspace of the output file.

Both machines using ImageMagick 6.6.2-7 Q16 with OpenMP.

I don't understand why this command failed at the linux machine.
Has anyone an idea?


Re: Difference between IM Linux and IM Windows

Posted: 2010-07-12T05:16:55-07:00
by Flagg
I found the answer by myself. On the Linux machine, IM is not configured with LCMS support.

Re: Difference between IM Linux and IM Windows

Posted: 2010-07-12T18:52:50-07:00
by anthony
It is, but only if LCMS is installed.,