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Geting Exif information

Posted: 2010-07-13T08:07:25-07:00
by shk

I write my application, and i need in jhead. I know that Imagemagick using jhead for geting exif information and etc... I download ImageMagick source, but i can't find code responsible for working with jhead. Please can you tell me where can i find code which works with jhead and exif in ImageMagick.

Thank you

Re: Geting Exif information

Posted: 2010-07-13T09:21:50-07:00
by Drarakel
shk wrote:I know that Imagemagick using jhead for geting exif information and etc...
You mean jhead? Not that I know of. Or did you mean the general JPG/JFIF headers? What exactly do you want to do?