Slow convert on Intel Atom

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Slow convert on Intel Atom

Post by dotdeas »

Hi all,

I got a intel atom 330 box with a 1.6ghz dual-core cpu and 4gb of ram. I'm running ubuntu 10.04 64bit linux on it and uses imagemagick from apt-get source. When i use the convert command to convert a bunch of pictures (standard pictures 2816x2112 @ 2-3mb), and the conversion is way to slow i think. It takes about 2-3 seconds for each picture. On my old box that was a amd sempron 3000+ with 1gb of ram it took like 0,2 seconds for it to convert.

Anyone got any idea?

// Deas
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Re: Slow convert on Intel Atom

Post by fmw42 »

I have heard that disabling OpenMP when compiling IM speeds things up on certain Linux systems. But don't know which. You could try that.

Re: Slow convert on Intel Atom

Post by dotdeas »

Yeah i have also read that, but it didnt help me in this case :/
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