Retain/copy Exif data when converting from tiff to jpg?
Posted: 2010-07-19T16:54:08-07:00
I have the following command that converts some of my scanned images from tiff to jpg for my website. Is there any way to retain some or all of the Exif data that I inserted into the tiff files when I do this conversion (or a similar conversion) to jpg. My only option so far has been to reinsert the Exif data.
Here is the batch script code (Windows OS), and the imagemagick commands.
for /f %%W in ('dir /o:n /b *.tif*') do montage -frame 5 -quality 75 -pointsize 50 -geometry +0+0 -label "%%~nW" %%W JPGVersion\%%~nW.jpg
I am using some of the Exif and IPTC data fields to add metadata to my images (stored in an Excel spreadsheet), so they will automatically populate the metadata fields in Gallery 2, a image displaying software package for websites, when I upload the images into Gallery 2.
I have the following command that converts some of my scanned images from tiff to jpg for my website. Is there any way to retain some or all of the Exif data that I inserted into the tiff files when I do this conversion (or a similar conversion) to jpg. My only option so far has been to reinsert the Exif data.
Here is the batch script code (Windows OS), and the imagemagick commands.
for /f %%W in ('dir /o:n /b *.tif*') do montage -frame 5 -quality 75 -pointsize 50 -geometry +0+0 -label "%%~nW" %%W JPGVersion\%%~nW.jpg
I am using some of the Exif and IPTC data fields to add metadata to my images (stored in an Excel spreadsheet), so they will automatically populate the metadata fields in Gallery 2, a image displaying software package for websites, when I upload the images into Gallery 2.