only able to round 2 corners not 4
Posted: 2010-07-21T02:43:37-07:00
I'm hoping I'm doing something basic but attempting to create transparent round corners only the left hand side is rounding
I've tried a few combinatons of values with the roundRectangle option (eg. roundRectangle 0,0 210,110 10,10 ) but I'm still getting straight sides on the right hand side.
Does anyone have any ideas what it could be?
I'm hoping I'm doing something basic but attempting to create transparent round corners only the left hand side is rounding
Code: Select all
convert -size 210x110 xc:none -draw "roundRectangle 10,10 210,110 10,10" mask.gif
convert src-file.gif -matte mask.gif -compose DstIn -composite output-file.png
Does anyone have any ideas what it could be?