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Posted: 2010-07-24T05:44:51-07:00
by varunto
I've used ImageMagick without problems for a while (Ubuntu 10.04). However, I've tried to use Pdfocr ( to make scanned PDFs searchable and I've got the following ImageMagick error:

Code: Select all

Magick: NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat `1.ppm' @ constitute.c/ReadImage/530
Any ideas on what might be going wrong?

Re: NoDecodeDelegateForThisImageFormat

Posted: 2010-07-26T19:57:04-07:00
by anthony
PPM image file format is part of NetPbm and/or PbmPlus image library. You presumably do not have this library installed so IM coder will not be enabled.

Install that library/package and the format should be enabled immediately.