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Splitting e-comics

Posted: 2010-07-25T03:39:15-07:00
by ecomic

Does anybody know if there is a way to (use Imagemagick ?) to split pictures on an e-comics pages into separate images ?
The regular page is too small on the ereader te be read. I've tried manualy to cut the page in half, which is better but frequently is still hard to read for the kids (and yes, me as well). And since ereaders do 7k-8k pageturns per accu charge, i do not think the many page turns you get by separate images will become an issue

So, I wanna split this :

into these :







Re: Splitting e-comics

Posted: 2010-07-25T13:58:47-07:00
by fmw42
Post a link to a picture that you need to split from an e-comic.

Re: Splitting e-comics

Posted: 2010-07-26T09:59:15-07:00
by fmw42
try my script, multicrop, at the link below.

I tried it.

multicrop org.jpg org_split.jpg

and it seemed to work for this image.

It may not work for all images or may need tuning due to the the dotted lines below each image and the signature between the bottom two frames. If you can clean those up, then it should work much better or more reliably.

Re: Splitting e-comics

Posted: 2010-07-27T01:12:09-07:00
by ecomic
WOW ... impressive .... that works fantastic !!!

Thnx :)