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Magick++ and Eclipse

Posted: 2010-08-03T03:44:28-07:00
by Archeleus
I posted a thread some time ago and noone replied, so imma ask again, this time, differently.

To anyone who is using eclipse, how do you set up Magick++ in eclipse?
Please mention linker options, library paths and anything that is important.

Re: Magick++ and Eclipse

Posted: 2010-08-03T04:04:46-07:00
by Archeleus
Done thanks.

For anyone else who may be looking for this information :

Linker flags :

Code: Select all

-I/usr/local/include/ImageMagick -g -O2 -pthread -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib -lMagick++ -lMagickWand -lMagickCore -llcms -ltiff -lfreetype -ljasper -ljpeg -lpng -lwmf -lwmflite -lXext -lXt -lSM -lICE -lX11 -lbz2 -pthread -lIlmImf -lz -lImath -lHalf -lIex -lIlmThread -lxml2 -lz -lm -lgomp -lpthread -lltdl
Library must be added under C++ Compiler > includes.
