Image segmentation/extraction-human body

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Image segmentation/extraction-human body

Post by LeyreM »

Hi, I'm working in feature extraction with some photos of a person in different positions over blue background. The objective is to extract all the parts of the body (head, arms, legs, shirt, trousers) so I could work with them to create an image in which only the shape and some important edges (chain, eyes, mouth) would appear.

Right now I'm using -segment and -fuzz commands and they work quite well, but I have problems with the skin tones, as they are not as well defined as the colors of the clothes.
Could anyone give me any idea about how extracting each part (specially head, arms and legs) or at least how to treat the skin tones to make the process easier?

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Re: Image segmentation/extraction-human body

Post by fmw42 »

IM does not have good segmentation functions. I would look else where.

Segmenting different skin tones to separate body parts is very hard.

IM segmentation only looks at color and not shape.

Can you post a link to an example of what you have done? Perhaps we can make some further suggestions.
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