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Newbie - installation on Debian linux

Posted: 2010-08-10T08:10:25-07:00
by CNBarnes
Forgive me if this question is addressed elsewhere (i did look).

I am a system administrator of a Linux (Debian) system. One of my users asked me to install "convert". Never having used any of your products before, it appears that there is not a debian package already for this (I only saw rpm's). Is there one somewhere that I'm missing?

Re: Newbie - installation on Debian linux

Posted: 2010-08-11T14:34:46-07:00
by sniz

Re: Newbie - installation on Debian linux

Posted: 2010-08-17T11:02:48-07:00
by CNBarnes
Um, ok. I installed from source - it SEEMED to go ok (some of the messages flew by too fast to see).

When I issue the "convert" command, I get this error message:

Code: Select all

convert: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Re: Newbie - installation on Debian linux

Posted: 2010-08-19T09:34:51-07:00
by CNBarnes
Bueller? Bueller?

Re: Newbie - installation on Debian linux

Posted: 2010-08-19T09:41:50-07:00
by magick
You may need to type 'ldconfig /usr/local/lib' so convert can find its dependent libraries.