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text from label then distort perspective

Posted: 2010-08-11T13:22:05-07:00
by immortal26
I have some code that creates text using label.

Code: Select all

$final = $path."convert -size ".$maxwidth."x".$maxheight."   -background black -kerning 20 -font ".$font." -gravity center -fill white label:'".$text."'  final.png";
Then I am using a distort perspective on the top left, bottom left, top right, bottom right points of the created image above.

Problem is that it only seems to distort the white text instead of the entire image itself. So it leaves me with a black box with the specified width and height at 0,0 with no distortion ... so it's like the white text get's distorted outside of the black...

Any ideas on how I can pursue this?

Re: text from label then distort perspective

Posted: 2010-08-11T17:36:16-07:00
by fmw42
what is the full sequence of command to both create the text and then do the perspective?