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RESOLVED - RedHatEL 5.5 to Latest IM and IM-dev

Posted: 2010-08-23T13:08:28-07:00
by nkline

I'm running RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.5 with ImageMagick and ImageMagick-devel Two questions:

1.) What's the smoothest route to take to upgrade to the latest ImageMagick and ImageMagick-devel? (details please)
2.) ImageMagick-devel-6.6.3-9.x86_64.rpm at ... OS/x86_64/ is empty, why?

After upgrading to the latest ImageMagick and ImageMagick-devel, I will want to use imagick (PHP extension) to create radial gradient images in PNG format and save them to disk.

Thank you :-)


Edit: I uninstalled the outdated RedHat version of ImageMagick and ImageMagick-devel and installed the latest version of those two programs using the RPM's at

Re: RedHatEL 5.5 to Latest IM and IM-dev

Posted: 2010-08-24T05:25:30-07:00
by nkline
Any thoughts on this ? Thanks,


Re: RedHatEL 5.5 to Latest IM and IM-dev

Posted: 2010-08-24T05:39:33-07:00
by magick
If you find that the ImageMagick utilities are dog slow you may have a buggy libgomp implementation. In that case rebuild ImageMagick with this command
  • ./configure --disable-openmp

Re: RedHatEL 5.5 to Latest IM and IM-dev

Posted: 2010-08-24T07:38:49-07:00
by nkline
Thank you for the reply. :-)

As an alternative to installing IM from source, are the RPM's (ImageMagick-6.6.3-9.x86_64.rpm and ImageMagick-devel-6.6.3-9.x86_64.rpm) also an option even though they are designed for CentOS? Thank you,


Re: RedHatEL 5.5 to Latest IM and IM-dev

Posted: 2010-08-24T07:40:48-07:00
by magick
Yes, you can use the CentOS RPM's for Redhat 5.5.