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'memory allocation failed' with convert.exe

Posted: 2010-08-25T05:52:58-07:00
by ElScorpio
I use ImageMagick to convert some jpeg files into a multi-pages pdf file. I use the command: convert.exe file1.jpg file2.jpg - adjoin file12.pdf
It works if I try to convert 4 or less documents, if I try to convert 5 or more, ImageMagick convert the 4 first and I got the message:
Magick: memory allocation failed 'C:\..._005.jpeg' @ error/jpeg.c/ReadJPEGImage/1113
What can I do to resolve this problem?
I use 6.6.3-Q16 version


Re: 'memory allocation failed' with convert.exe

Posted: 2010-08-25T08:48:11-07:00
by fmw42

Re: 'memory allocation failed' with convert.exe

Posted: 2010-08-26T01:17:54-07:00
by ElScorpio
Thanks for your response, but I have a little problem: when I want to convert 6 jpeg files black and white or grey level) into 1 pdf, I have only 4 pages in my pdf w. When I want to convert 6 jpeg files (256 colors), I have a 6 pages pdf file (60 MB) but the last page can't be displayed and I have this message:

Magick: unable to extend cache 'C:\..._006.jpg' No space left on device @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/4163
Magick: application transferred too few scanlines 'C:\..._006.jpg' @ error/jpeg.c/EmitMessage/235

I post here the result of the command ' identify -list ressource'
File: 1536
Area: 21.401 GB
Memory: 14.949 GiB
Map: 39.863 GiB
Disk: 18.446744 EB
Thread: 2
Time: unlimited

I took a look at your link but the -limit option seems to, as its name said, limit free memory to the application and not allocate more memory.

What command have I to use to get more memory and to transfer enought scanlines.


Re: 'memory allocation failed' with convert.exe

Posted: 2010-08-26T05:23:33-07:00
by magick
Magick: unable to extend cache 'C:\..._006.jpg' No space left on device @ error/cache.c/OpenPixelCache/4163
ImageMagick trades memory for temporary disk space. Set your temporary file path to a partition that has plenty of free space. See ... tera-pixel.