error converting photo to grey
Posted: 2010-08-31T06:28:25-07:00
Im trying to convert a colour photo to greyscale. The command im using is
convert "c:\photo.jpg" -colorspace Grey "c:\photo1.jpg"
the convert command keeps returning this error
Magick: unrecognized image colorspace `Grey' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/993.
I've tried this on linux and windows and with a number of images and get the same results.
convert "c:\photo.jpg" -colorspace Grey "c:\photo1.jpg"
the convert command keeps returning this error
Magick: unrecognized image colorspace `Grey' @ error/convert.c/ConvertImageCommand/993.
I've tried this on linux and windows and with a number of images and get the same results.