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Removing an object from an image using ImageMagick

Posted: 2010-09-01T02:13:33-07:00
by skeegan
Hi, I have a collection of images with embedded Kodak Color Control patches. is a sample. I would like to remove the Kodak Color Control patch from this image and replace it with black pixels. Does anybody know a way of achieving this using ImageMagick? One of the problems about this is that the control patch can appear anywhere in the image-sometimes on the left, other times on the right or above or below the page. Also, the orientation of the control patch can also vary-sometimes it is orientated horizontally, other times vertically. S

Re: Removing an object from an image using ImageMagick

Posted: 2010-09-01T18:16:40-07:00
by fmw42
I don't think IM can do this, though it has the compare function that will allow you to find a small image inside a larger one. But it is not rotational or scale invariant.

Try searching google for rotational invariant image matching.