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drawing with gradients

Posted: 2010-09-09T05:27:06-07:00
by mizerydearia
I would like to draw a circle and to have it filled with a gradient as well as possible having the border/thickness of the circle to have a gradient as well.

I examined as well as several other pages but was unable to find any reference to drawing a shape and to have it filled with a gradient.

I am writing a php script to generate an image based on user input. This is what I wrote so far:

Code: Select all

	foreach(${"_" . $_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]} as $k=>$v) $$k=$v;

	// Create image
		$w = 240; $h = 240;
		$im = new Imagick();
		$im->newPseudoImage($w, $h, "gradient:$bgFrom-$bgTo");
	// Draw coin border
		$draw = new ImagickDraw();
		$draw->setStrokeColor( new ImagickPixel("blue"));
		$draw->setFillColor( new ImagickPixel( "green" ) );
		$draw->circle(120, 120, 38, 38);
		$im->drawImage( $draw );
	// Output image
		header("Content-type: image/png"); echo $im; $im->clear(); $im->destroy();
You can see it in action visiting ... =%23FFFFFF

Currently the background is created with a gradient. The circle, however, is solid green with blue border. How can I produce a circle filled with a gradient?

I stumbled upon viewtopic.php?t=8149 and it seems related, but it also from a few years ago and doesn't offer a solution.

Re: drawing with gradients

Posted: 2010-09-15T01:48:56-07:00
by mizerydearia

Re: drawing with gradients

Posted: 2010-09-15T02:35:53-07:00
by Bonzo
I would guess you need to create the gradient on a square image and then create a mask to give you the circle with the gradient.
You would then need to composite the two images.

Re: drawing with gradients

Posted: 2010-09-15T10:18:04-07:00
by fmw42
I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but see radial-gradients at ... l-gradient

Re: drawing with gradients

Posted: 2010-09-15T18:52:16-07:00
by anthony
linear gradients are posible with draw. But it is not straight forward.

Best idea is to grab the SVG file...
Used for examples in IM examples

Now generate the mvg (magick Vector graphics) that this svg produces...

Code: Select all

     convert msvg:diagonal.svg diagonal.mvg
Also shown in that part of IM examples.

This shows how a gradient is defined and used in MVG draw commands.
For a linear gradient in a circle, replace the 'rectangle' draw with a 'circle' draw command.

It is probably time to write up soem examples of drawing with gradients.