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Can someone edit an image for me?

Posted: 2010-09-16T06:58:07-07:00
by DigitalDNA
I need to get a BMP converted to XPM. I have tried Gimp and it does convert it but it doesn't work within Grub, from what I have read on some blogs if the image is converted using the convert.exe of ImageMagicK then it should function within grub.

The convert command that is required is "convert -resize 640×480 -colors 14 splash.bmp splash.xpm"

Here is the link to the BMP If someone could help me it out it would be much appreciated.

Please feel free to email me the edited file to

I would do it myself but I just can't get ImageMagick to work.

Thanks for those who reads this and feel free to flame me for being lazy.


Re: Can someone edit an image for me?

Posted: 2010-09-16T08:55:16-07:00
by dproc
OK I sent you the XPM file. I converted it back to BMP to see if it worked and it seemed to be correct. Hope it works.

Re: Can someone edit an image for me?

Posted: 2010-09-16T09:33:33-07:00
by DigitalDNA
Thanks, that worked for some reason Grub sees the white as green. I'll play around with the file and see if I can get it to change to the proper color.

Again thanks for doing this.

Re: Can someone edit an image for me?

Posted: 2010-09-16T19:04:25-07:00
by anthony
grub has some limitations to the image used.

From the grub "textinfo" documentation...
The format of the file is a gzipped xpm which is 640x480 with a 14 color palette.

I would assume that pallette is the old PC color pallette.

A Google search may tell you more