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convert -colorspace Linux - OSX problem

Posted: 2010-10-01T01:58:29-07:00
by kraffi

when I make a "convert -colorspace RGB -density 288 preview.pdf -resize 100% preview.jpg" on OSX it work´s,
but on Linux the -colorspace option don´t work.


best regards,


Re: convert -colorspace Linux - OSX problem

Posted: 2010-10-01T11:28:56-07:00
by fmw42
convert -colorspace RGB -density 288 preview.pdf -resize 100% preview.jpg
This may not be relevant to your colorspace issue, but to have two output images, the first needs to be preceded by -write

convert -colorspace RGB -density 288 -write preview.pdf -resize 100% preview.jpg

Re: convert -colorspace Linux - OSX problem

Posted: 2010-10-01T23:05:28-07:00
by Drarakel
preview.pdf is the input file. :wink:

@kraffi: What do you mean with "the -colorspace option don't work"?

Re: convert -colorspace Linux - OSX problem

Posted: 2010-10-02T09:42:39-07:00
by fmw42
Drarakel wrote:preview.pdf is the input file. :wink:
You are right. I don't know what I was thinking. DOH! :oops:

Re: convert -colorspace Linux - OSX problem

Posted: 2010-10-04T03:31:49-07:00
by kraffi
after the convert -colorspace on OSX the jpg - File colors are darker.
On Linux the File colors are the same.

Can gs produce the error, because on Linux is an older gs - Version as on OSX?