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Convert PDF to JPG : fonts error

Posted: 2010-10-07T05:31:21-07:00
by notemohc

Firstly, sorry for my English.
I try to convert a PDF to JPG with imagemagick.
This pdf has a very specific font: ITCavantgarde

I use the command "convert test_flyer.pdf test_flyer.jpg" but I have the error below:

Code: Select all

ERROR: /undefined in --get--
Operand stack:
   --dict:6/6(L)--   F4   17.01   --dict:9/9(L)--   --dict:9/9(L)--   610   --dict:9/9(L)--   locatable   --dict:8/14(L)--   loca
Execution stack:
   %interp_exit   .runexec2   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   1   3   %oparray_pop   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   2   1   1   --nostringval--   %for_pos_int_continue   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   %array_continue   --nostringval--   false   1   %stopped_push   --nostringval--   %loop_continue   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--   --nostringval--
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:1127/1686(ro)(G)--   --dict:0/20(G)--   --dict:107/200(L)--   --dict:107/200(L)--   --dict:104/127(ro)(G)--   --dict:241/347(ro)(G)--   --dict:20/24(L)--   --dict:4/6(L)--   --dict:26/31(L)--   --dict:33/50(ro)(G)--   --dict:17/40(L)--
Current allocation mode is local
ESP Ghostscript 815.02: Unrecoverable error, exit code 1
convert: Postscript delegate failed `test_flyer.pdf'.
convert: missing an image filename `test_flyer.jpg'.
When I replace the font ITCavantgarde to Arial, the conversion works.

When I look at the properties of my PDF, I have this:

Code: Select all

    Type: Type 1
    Encodage : ANSI
    Police réelle : ArialMT
    Type de police réelle : TrueType

ITCAvantGardeSTD-Bk (Incorporé(e(s))
    Type : TrueType
    Encodage : ANSI
When I run the command: identify-list type, I have this:

Code: Select all

Path: /usr/lib/ImageMagick-6.2.8/config/type.xml

Name                             Family                 Style   Stretch   Weight
Airstream                        Airstream              Undefin Undefined      0
AleandWenchesBB                  Ale and Wenches BB     Undefin Undefined      0
AlienLeague                      Alien League           Undefin Undefined      0
Alpine7558M                      Alpine 7558M           Undefin Undefined      0
Amaze                            Amaze                  Undefin Undefined      0
Angelus                          Angelus                Undefin Undefined      0
AnglepoiseLampshade              Anglepoise Lampshade   Undefin Undefined      0
Arial                            Arial                  Undefin Undefined      0
ArialB                           Arial                  Undefin Undefined      0
AvantGardeBook                   AvantGarde Bk BT       Undefin Undefined      0
AvantGardeBookOb                 AvantGarde Bk BT       Undefin Undefined      0
AvantGardeM                      AvantGarde Md BT       Undefin Undefined      0
AvantGardeMOb                    AvantGarde Md BT       Undefin Undefined      0
BaskervilleB                     Baskerville-Bold       Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSans                Bitstream Vera Sans    Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSansB               Bitstream Vera Sans    Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSansBOb             Bitstream Vera Sans    Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSansMono            Bitstream Vera Sans Mo Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSansMonoB           Bitstream Vera Sans Mo Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSansMonoBOb         Bitstream Vera Sans Mo Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSansMonoOb          Bitstream Vera Sans Mo Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSansOb              Bitstream Vera Sans    Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSerif               Bitstream Vera Serif   Undefin Undefined      0
BitstreamVeraSerifB              Bitstream Vera Serif   Undefin Undefined      0
BodieMFFlag                      BodieMF                Undefin Undefined      0
BookIllustratorsHandwriting      Illustrator            Undefin Undefined      0
Calligrapher                     Calligrapher           Undefin Undefined      0
CenturySchoolbookB               Century Schoolbook     Undefin Undefined      0
CenturySchoolbookBI              Century Schoolbook     Undefin Undefined      0
CenturySchoolbookI               Century Schoolbook     Undefin Undefined      0
CenturySchoolbookRoman           Century Schoolbook     Undefin Undefined      0
CIRCLINEI                        CIRCLINE               Undefin Undefined      0
Coolvetica                       Coolvetica             Undefin Undefined      0
DamnNoisyKids                    Damn Noisy Kids        Undefin Undefined      0
Depot                            Depot                  Undefin Undefined      0
DimitriSwank                     Dimitri Swank          Undefin Undefined      0
Dingbats                         Dingbats               Undefin Undefined      0
DomesticManners                  Domestic Manners       Undefin Undefined      0
Dustismo                         Dustismo               Undefin Undefined      0
DustismoB                        Dustismo               Undefin Undefined      0
DustismoI                        Dustismo               Undefin Undefined      0
DustismoRoman                    Dustismo Roman         Undefin Undefined      0
DustismoRomanB                   Dustismo Roman         Undefin Undefined      0
DustismoRomanBI                  Dustismo Roman         Undefin Undefined      0
EarwigFactory                    Earwig Factory         Undefin Undefined      0
ElWonko                          El Wonko               Undefin Undefined      0
EverettSteelesHand               Everett Steeles Hand   Undefin Undefined      0
flatline                         flatline               Undefin Undefined      0
Fontdinerdotcom                  Fontdinerdotcom        Undefin Undefined      0
Geodesic                         Geodesic               Undefin Undefined      0
Gothic_Love_Letters              Gothic_Love_Letters    Undefin Undefined      0
GreenwichMean                    Greenwich Mean         Undefin Undefined      0
Helvetica66MI                    Helvetica 65 Medium    Undefin Undefined      0
HelveticaCBk                     Helvetica              Undefin Undefined      0
HelveticaInseratLTStd-Roman      unknown                Undefin Undefined      0
HelveticaLTStd-Comp              unknown                Undefin Undefined      0
HelveticaLTStd-ExtraComp         unknown                Undefin Undefined      0
HelveticaLTStd-UltraComp         unknown                Undefin Undefined      0
HendrixDemo                      Hendrix Demo           Undefin Undefined      0
Hurontario                       Hurontario             Undefin Undefined      0
itcavantgardestd-bk              unknown                Undefin Undefined      0
itcavantgardestd-demi            unknown                Undefin Undefined      0
itcavantgardestd-md              unknown                Undefin Undefined      0
itcavantgardestd-xlt             unknown                Undefin Undefined      0
Itwasntme                        It wasnt me            Undefin Undefined      0
Junkyard                         Junkyard               Undefin Undefined      0
KarateM                          Karate                 Undefin Undefined      0
LcdD                             LcdD                   Undefin Undefined      0
LittleTubbyJesus                 Little Tubby Jesus     Undefin Undefined      0
LokiCola                         Loki Cola              Undefin Undefined      0
Lupinus                          Lupinus                Undefin Undefined      0
MarkedFool                       Marked Fool            Undefin Undefined      0
MetaLanguage                     Meta Language          Undefin Undefined      0
mms                              mms                    Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusMono                       Nimbus Mono            Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusMonoB                      Nimbus Mono            Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusMonoBOblique               Nimbus Mono            Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusMonoOblique                Nimbus Mono            Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusRomanNo9                   Nimbus Roman No9       Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusRomanNo9B                  Nimbus Roman No9       Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusRomanNo9BI                 Nimbus Roman No9       Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusRomanNo9I                  Nimbus Roman No9       Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusRomanNo9Medium             Nimbus Roman No9       Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusRomanNo9MediumI            Nimbus Roman No9       Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusSans                       Nimbus Sans            Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusSansB                      Nimbus Sans            Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusSansBI                     Nimbus Sans            Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusSansC                      Nimbus Sans L Condense Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusSansCB                     Nimbus Sans L Condense Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusSansCBI                    Nimbus Sans L Condense Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusSansCI                     Nimbus Sans L Condense Undefin Undefined      0
NimbusSansI                      Nimbus Sans            Undefin Undefined      0
NullPointer                      Null Pointer           Undefin Undefined      0
Oliver                           Oliver                 Undefin Undefined      0
Paramond                         Paramond               Undefin Undefined      0
Peace                            Peace                  Undefin Undefined      0
PenguinAttack                    Penguin Attack         Undefin Undefined      0
PlateletHeavy                    unknown                Undefin Undefined      0
progenisis                       progenisis             Undefin Undefined      0
Psychosis                        Psychosis              Undefin Undefined      0
RingbearerM                      Ringbearer             Undefin Undefined      0
Sadness                          Sadness                Undefin Undefined      0
Silkscreen                       Silkscreen             Undefin Undefined      0
SilkscreenB                      Silkscreen             Undefin Undefined      0
SilkscreenExpanded               Silkscreen Expanded    Undefin Undefined      0
SilkscreenExpandedB              Silkscreen Expanded    Undefin Undefined      0
spacecowboy                      space cowboy           Undefin Undefined      0
StandardSymbols                  Standard Symbols       Undefin Undefined      0
StanleyAlphabet                  Stanley                Undefin Undefined      0
StanleyAlphabetOblique           Stanley                Undefin Undefined      0
Swift                            Swift                  Undefin Undefined      0
Tahomamm                         Tahoma mm              Undefin Undefined      0
Tombats6                         Tombats 6              Undefin Undefined      0
TradeGothicLTComB                Trade Gothic LT Com Bo Undefin Undefined      0
TradeGothicLTComBCNo20           Trade Gothic LT Com Cn Undefin Undefined      0
TradeGothicLTComBCNo20Ob         Trade Gothic LT Com Cn Undefin Undefined      0
Tuffy                            Tuffy                  Undefin Undefined      0
TuffyB                           Tuffy                  Undefin Undefined      0
TuffyBI                          Tuffy                  Undefin Undefined      0
TuffyI                           Tuffy                  Undefin Undefined      0
UnitedStates                     UnitedStates           Undefin Undefined      0
URWBookmanDb                     URW Bookman            Undefin Undefined      0
URWBookmanDbI                    URW Bookman            Undefin Undefined      0
URWBookmanL                      URW Bookman            Undefin Undefined      0
URWBookmanLI                     URW Bookman            Undefin Undefined      0
URWChanceryMediumI               URW Chancery           Undefin Undefined      0
URWGothicBook                    URW Gothic             Undefin Undefined      0
URWGothicBookOblique             URW Gothic             Undefin Undefined      0
URWGothicDemi                    URW Gothic             Undefin Undefined      0
URWGothicDemiOblique             URW Gothic             Undefin Undefined      0
URWPalladioB                     URW Palladio           Undefin Undefined      0
URWPalladioBI                    URW Palladio           Undefin Undefined      0
URWPalladioI                     URW Palladio           Undefin Undefined      0
URWPalladioRoman                 URW Palladio           Undefin Undefined      0
Verdana                          Verdana                Undefin Undefined      0
VerdanaB                         Verdana                Undefin Undefined      0
Wargames                         Wargames               Undefin Undefined      0
Winks                            Winks                  Undefin Undefined      0

Path: System Fonts

Name                             Family                 Style   Stretch   Weight
Bitstream-Charter-Bold           Bitstream Charter      Normal  Normal       700
Bitstream-Charter-Bold-Italic    Bitstream Charter      Italic  Normal       700
Bitstream-Charter-Italic         Bitstream Charter      Italic  Normal       400
Bitstream-Charter-Regular        Bitstream Charter      Normal  Normal       400
Century-Schoolbook-Bold          Century Schoolbook     Normal  Normal       700
Century-Schoolbook-Bold-Italic   Century Schoolbook     Italic  Normal       700
Century-Schoolbook-Italic        Century Schoolbook     Italic  Normal       400
Century-Schoolbook-Roman         Century Schoolbook     Normal  Normal       400
Dingbats-Regular                 Dingbats               Normal  Normal       400
Nimbus-Mono-Bold                 Nimbus Mono            Normal  Normal       700
Nimbus-Mono-Bold-Oblique         Nimbus Mono            Oblique Normal       700
Nimbus-Mono-Regular              Nimbus Mono            Normal  Normal       400
Nimbus-Mono-Regular-Oblique      Nimbus Mono            Oblique Normal       400
Nimbus-Roman-No9-Bold            Nimbus Roman No9       Normal  Normal       700
Nimbus-Roman-No9-Bold-Italic     Nimbus Roman No9       Italic  Normal       700
Nimbus-Roman-No9-Regular         Nimbus Roman No9       Normal  Normal       400
Nimbus-Roman-No9-Regular-Italic  Nimbus Roman No9       Italic  Normal       400
Nimbus-Sans-Bold                 Nimbus Sans            Normal  Normal       700
Nimbus-Sans-Bold-Italic          Nimbus Sans            Italic  Normal       700
Nimbus-Sans-Condensed-Bold       Nimbus Sans Condensed  Normal  Normal       700
Nimbus-Sans-Condensed-Bold-Itali Nimbus Sans Condensed  Italic  Normal       700
Nimbus-Sans-Condensed-Regular    Nimbus Sans Condensed  Normal  Normal       400
Nimbus-Sans-Condensed-Regular-It Nimbus Sans Condensed  Italic  Normal       400
Nimbus-Sans-Regular              Nimbus Sans            Normal  Normal       400
Nimbus-Sans-Regular-Italic       Nimbus Sans            Italic  Normal       400
Standard-Symbols-Regular         Standard Symbols       Normal  Normal       400
URW-Bookman-Demi-Bold            URW Bookman            Normal  Normal       700
URW-Bookman-Demi-Bold-Italic     URW Bookman            Italic  Normal       700
URW-Bookman-Light                URW Bookman            Normal  Normal       400
URW-Bookman-Light-Italic         URW Bookman            Italic  Normal       400
URW-Chancery-Medium-Italic       URW Chancery           Italic  Normal       500
URW-Gothic-Book                  URW Gothic             Normal  Normal       300
URW-Gothic-Book-Oblique          URW Gothic             Oblique Normal       300
URW-Gothic-Demi                  URW Gothic             Normal  Normal       600
URW-Gothic-Demi-Oblique          URW Gothic             Oblique Normal       600
URW-Palladio-Bold                URW Palladio           Normal  Normal       700
URW-Palladio-Bold-Italic         URW Palladio           Italic  Normal       700
URW-Palladio-Italic              URW Palladio           Italic  Normal       400
URW-Palladio-Roman               URW Palladio           Normal  Normal       400
Utopia-Bold                      Utopia                 Normal  Normal       700
Utopia-Bold-Italic               Utopia                 Italic  Normal       700
Utopia-Italic                    Utopia                 Italic  Normal       400
Utopia-Regular                   Utopia                 Normal  Normal       400
The font itcavantgarde are apparently installed. I use the script imagick_type_gen to generate a type.xml and place it in config directory.

If anyone has an idea, I thank him.

I use the IM version 6.2.8

Thanks a lot.