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get the time to convert an image
Posted: 2010-10-18T13:40:17-07:00
by persia
Hi Guys,
Im using the im4java to convert my images in java and it works great.But i need to know the time it takes to convert an image. Cause the time change depending of the size of the original image,etc.
There's a method which is implemented for this ?

Re: get the time to convert an image
Posted: 2010-10-18T14:04:36-07:00
by fmw42
I don't know the im4java tools. It is not listed at and I doubt is supported by the ImageMagick team.
But in command line IM there is -monitor. See ... 56#monitor.
Or use the Unix time function.
Re: get the time to convert an image
Posted: 2010-10-18T21:19:45-07:00
by persia
Thanks for your reply fmw42, but the -monitor doesn't offer an option to get the conversion time of an image. The Unix time function either.
The reason why i want to get the conversion time of an image is that i want to call another function as soon as the image
is converted.Do you have some suggestions or some ideas how can i do this ?
Re: get the time to convert an image
Posted: 2010-10-19T06:00:45-07:00
by anthony
For a command. Run the command using time and look at the 'user time'
EG: time convert ......