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Posted: 2010-10-23T12:27:43-07:00
by jfdouet
I'm a beginner with installation of ImageMagick on gNewSense (Ubuntu based linux).
When I run display to check I have the error message:
delegate library support not build in (X11) @error/display.c/DisplayImageCommand/1892
Which library is it ? What can I do to re-build correctly ?
In advance thanks.

Re: installation

Posted: 2010-10-25T07:01:21-07:00
by pp1
I am having similar issues and could not resolve this yet, but from what I have read is you should check this:

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convert -list format
convert -list configure
You can also try to install the library files like libxml2.

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apt-get install libxml2

Re: installation

Posted: 2010-10-25T10:37:19-07:00
by fmw42
See the delegate libraries that are noted as required at

Typically you will need to install for jpg, png, tiff, ghostscript (if you want PDF).

Each platform has different ways to install them. I cannot help on LInux. On Mac I use MacPorts to install them.

After installing the delegates, you need to recompile IM.

Re: installation

Posted: 2010-11-17T02:25:57-07:00
by naruto12345
I have the same problem on solaris

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import: delegate library support not built-in `' (X11) @ error/import.c/ImportImageCommand/1303.
but the Solaris has the X11 library :(